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For Professional Use Only?

I am not a yacht service professional. However, “I play one on TV” sometimes and can do much of what the professionals do if I have the right tools and products. It's not that I have considerable talent for boat maintenance, such as hull cleaning and care, but I research and take the time to do it the way I want it done.

awlgrip care

For the marine industry, time is money. For me, time spent messing with our boat brings pleasure and the desired outcome – most of the time - the alternative may end up being one of those "I love yachting" moments.

For Sunday afternoon's messing around, I decided to take on the professional challenge and wax the hull. Armed with some research, I can share that the lowest hourly service charge is around $60.00 per hour. My afternoon of "work" took approximately three hours. At Hinckley Yacht Services, at the marina where CAYUGA is docked, the lowest hourly rate charge is $75.00. You can do the math and even so, in the end, the enjoyment of spending time with the boat is invaluable, not something writing a check for can accomplish.

the tools of the trade

My efforts started with busting out a bottle of Awlcare to coat our five-year-old Awlgrip hull paint. We had a fun outing on Saturday and returned to Whitehall early Sunday morning through a bit of spray from the morning's windy conditions. So, the day became one to show CAYUGA some TLC – specifically the topside paint.

I was able to commandeer the yard's raft tied to the docks a few slips away (shhh, they do not work on weekends). It’s all but impossible to do a good hull cleaning job without a proper raft to give you perfect access right to the waterline.

floating work dock

Knowing your boat's hull paint is crucial to getting the appropriate products and following the directions for use. Our boat was painted with Awlgrip (the color is Medium-Gray, a classic Hunt color choice) by the prior owner in March 2016. Awlgrip is an excellent paint and has held up well on CAYUGA. According to a marine industry website, “It’s a tough, durable finish and a forgiving topcoat.” While the paint is tough and durable, it must be cared for properly. That means using the Awlgrip system of Awlwash Concentrate to clean and Awlgrip Awlcare polymer to coat, polish, and protect.

As an aside, I buy cleaning and maintenance products locally at Fawcett Boat Supplies in Annapolis. They have an excellent inventory and knowledgeable staff to help pick the right products.

shiny waxed cayuga

Awlgrip can get buffed. But the paint on CAYUGA does not need any more than some “elbow grease” with a buff to apply and a soft rag to remove. It is a bit of a workout, but downing a few ice-cold Modelos helps the process. It took me about three hours (and three Modelos) to finish the job. I cracked open one more beer and stood back to admire the clean hull and look for spots I missed removing the Awlcare. As the sun sets and light changes, places that previously looked good get exposed.

After going back over a few missed spots, I decided it was a rather good job and felt my

professional attempt executed quite well. I went home a little tired but feeling satisfied with the way the boat looked when I left her at the marina. She looked happy.

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Jul 29, 2021

Pretty boat!

Holly A. Tompkins
Holly A. Tompkins
Jul 31, 2021
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Thank you!

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