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Caught the Weather Window

It was a rather warm day in Annapolis yesterday and we were expecting some storms to roll through later but that did not stop us from taking CAYUGA off the dock and motoring into town for a fuel up and our first ever dip in the pool at the Activity Center. It was a very welcome dip too. After that, everything seemed a little cooler.

Around 4ish, the storms came rumbling as predicted. I had already run down to the dock and buttoned up the canvas. So we sat at the Burgee Bar and watched the lightning show with the rest of the former pool-goers and folks who had started to show up for happy hour.

Once the skies started to clear I turned to Brad and asked what his radar app was showing and if we had a window to get back to the marina. Yes, but it was time to leave!

running ahead of the storm

It was a beautiful ride home in cooler air with dark 'n stormy skies behind us. Brad shared this picture he got - I love the steam from the exhaust and the perfect wake.

We docked the boat and had about 5 minutes to roll down the canvas from the ride then blammo, the rain came with a cool blast of air ahead of it.

Under the dodger, we enjoyed a glass of wine and marveled at our girl. Great day, great boat!

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28 de ago. de 2021


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